We've Got You
Do your part
Love what an inspiring leader has started? Let’s help take it to the next level.
If you're coming to one of my shows this fall, I will match your donation to any organization working on a better future, up to the price of your concert ticket.
Below I’ve listed a few highly effective organizations that mobilize voters, fight for fair elections, and advances climate-savvy local government.
Movement Voter Project
Enables you to invest in great local voter organizing groups across the country - to build power that lasts beyond election cycles and spurs policy change. Candidate-based giving often funds ad spending (typically 45% of a Congressional campaign budget!), while MVP invests in locally-rooted organizing that can mobilze voters that ads cannot easily reach.
Campaign Legal Center
Fights for every American’s right to responsive government and a fair opportunity to participate in and affect the democratic process. CLC played a key role in the lawsuit that overturned Wisconsin's gerrymandered district maps and delivered fairly drawn maps in time for the 2024 election.
Climate Cabinet
Analyzes local climate and governance data, uncovering the biggest climate opportunities that lie across thousands of local offices. In addition to channeling donations to promising candidates (75% win rate to date), CC provides supports to develop their climate platforms and to pass policy once they’re in office.
Do your part
I would love to know who your “sparks” are. Maybe they’re public figures, like some of my favorites below. Or they could be family, friends, teachers, local leaders.
Whoever they are, I’m sure they’d appreciate hearing how they’ve inspired you. Feel free to send this song to them as a thank you, or to shout them out on social media. And please forward/share with me!
Some of Vienna's Sparks
adrienne maree brown
(I’m intrigued by the emergent strategy principles, which draw in turn on Grace Lee Boggs, Octavia Butler, and others)
Alicia Garza
(Black Lives Matter founder, from whom I first learned the term "calling in”)
Anand Giridharadas
(I especially appreciate his book The Persuaders and his Substack The.Ink)
Bill McKibben
(veteran climate organizer, founder of 350.org and ThirdAct.org among others. I especially love his recent article on his evolving environmentalism and learning to say "Yes In My Backyard”)
Ezra Klein
(whom Jacob refers to as my boyfriend, because I cite him so often in conversation. My favorite phrase of his is "here's the strongest possible argument I can think of for the other side”)
Loretta J. Ross
(I highly recommend her thinking on circles of influence - talking with people when you have 90, 75, 50, 25, or 0 percent agreement)
Sonia Aggarwal
(who played a key role in the Biden administration's game-changing clean energy policies, through politicking thick & thin)
David Roberts
(his podcast/Substack, Volts, is a treasure trove for clean energy nerds)
Send a shout-out
Send it to the person
beyond your years your rallying cry is
calling us out again
calling us in again
we watch you draw their frightened fire
you’re keeping calm you’re aiming higher
it's summoning all our best
more power than we knew we had
Here’s the song in case you’re interested: [add one of the following links]
shout-out onLINE
Shout-out to [tag person here], who inspires me by […] In my ears & on my mind 🔥 #wevegotyou